Ever wondered if your Barbados stamp is a forgery?

Forged Barbados Stamp

Every now and again a stamp appears, sometimes on an auction site, sometimes in a collection but wherever it raises its ugly head it just doesn’t look right. Last week I spotted two on eBay and alerted the seller to the fact that they were fakes and to their credit they changed the listings immediately. Undeterred though people still paid over £10 each for what were essentially two not very good copies of Barbados stamps.

In the face of this type of buyer behaviour and spurred on by another excellent online resource at Stamp Forgeries of the World. I have updated our website with a range of Barbados forgeries that have arrived over the years. Some are clearly wrong and one or two pass muster until you see them alongside the real thing but now there is a dedicated page to the forged stamps of Barbados.

Why not check out the real and forged efforts side by side on our Barbados Stamps Forgeries page.

Forged Barbados Stamp
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