
Another cover for the Geo VI collection

This week we've been quite lucky in acquiring a number of duplicate covers, some of which will end up on…


New FDC’s added to the collection

As part of this project we are trying to get a good copy of every FDC issued in Barbados going…


Some stamps are just soooo hard to find!

When you collect a country for long enough you tend to find that most stamps will be relatively easy to…


Barbados Places of Worship stamps released

The latest set of stamps from Barbados has now been released and they are a set of four entitled 'Places…


Barbados Stamps in the news!

Well if you've ever wondered about this website, why it was set up and what we do then wonder no…


Barbados SG240 – is this a new discovery?

Following a recent article in the British West Indies Study Circle Bulletin Barbados collectors have been reevaluating the humble SG240, better known…


New Barbados Lighthouses stamps are now available

We've today received the first stocks of the new lighthouses stamps and they look really good! In what must rank…


New cover arrived and new stock as well!

This week we received a new cover for the collection - nothing special but an interesting cover as it has an unusual…


Why so much postage on this 1955 cover?

Recently we picked this beauty up from eBay and at first glance, you might think 'you're mad, look at the…


Why does EBay allow this obvious massive fraud?

It has become apparent to many in the Stamp world that the ever present issue of rogue sellers on eBay…


Where did all the used stamps go?

Recently we've been trying to put together a decent used collection of all the stamps of Barbados from the reign…


Review of Spring Stampex 2013

Well it was the first time we'd ever been to Stampex in London and we weren't disappointed. For those who…
